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昨天回家的時候看到花的, 好高興也好感動! <3

E不是個浪漫的人, 每次跟他說我想要花, 他總是說: "有什麼好買的? 花沒兩天就死了, 還不如送妳化妝品什麼的" 交往兩年, 這是他第一次送我花!

(據他說是因為這次他已經把其他的東西都送完了實在沒東西好送了 XDDDD)

昨天晚上我們去Joel Robuchon慶祝, 今天晚上不去跟人擠, 去我們愛的local餐館吃飯. 明天去看Vivienne Tam和Anna Sui的秀.

Robuchon的餐點還不錯, 可是以米其林二星來說, 實在太貴. 我們點了兩份tasting menu, 一瓶酒...花了六百塊!!! 好了我要去懺悔了...(I think the menu is slightly overpriced, considering the food and ambiance)

Anyway, E還在電話上跟booking agent糾纏, 我要去準備化妝去等會的約會了 <3<3<3

2 則留言 :

  1. To be fair, I find the Michelin restaurants in NYC to be much cheaper than in Paris.. Daniel's tasting menu is $190 (for 6 courses), that's about 180 euros with taxes and tips.. at Le Bristol Paris, the 7 course tasting menu is 280 euros.. XD (that's why I went for lunch, but totally worth it). I think Joel Robuchon is more expensive because they need to make sure the prices are similar across the various Robuchon restaurants.

    1. Dear Jenny...I'd never go to a restaurant that cost 280 euro/'s just too much money for it to be worth it!!! -> yeah I am cheap like =p hehee

      (Although we did consider going to French Laundry when we were in San Fran, which is like 350ish USD a person.)

      I think my issue with going to an US restaurant is, if you order a bottle of wine ($75+) plus two tasting menu, by the time you are done with Tax and Tips (8.25%ish tax + 20% tips), the whole bill is just insane!!!

      Robuchon is nice, but I think there are plenty of good places in NYC waiting for us to explore, so we prob won't go back anytime soon =p
